Thursday, July 17, 2014

Day 42: A Long Day of Nothing

Today was the day of X.  Got up early and took him fishing.  Started out by being startled by a six foot kangaroo only about 15 steps from the car!  He was just eating in the bush when we startled him on our way down the path to the beach.  He reminded us to go back and get our camera!

We found a big swing, but it hurt X's hands so we walked on.  

There was no fish on the first beach--and it was boring--so we went to another one.  

Here we saw some pelicans, picked some bait right off the peer, saw some turtles, heard some stories about some sting rays and just fished till we were bored.  We had a great time!  

On the drive home we saw whale spray from a distance so we're hoping to see some whales later this week.  We were going to go watch for some whales today but in the end we just sat around all day.  We went to one beach for about an hour but we just weren't into it.  We came back, made a big lunch and watched TV for the rest of the day.  What would summer be without at least a day or two of sitting around watching TV all day?

Oh! And π² blew up our wii chord today :(  All he did was plug it into a converter and it gave off a loud pop and that was the end of that.  We'll have to have Amazon send us a new one to be there for us when we get home.


  1. At least it was only the cord, Sam's blown up more external hard drives than I can count and at least one computer by pulling them in overseas, sometimes into the converter, sometimes not.

  2. Yikes! Well it only cost $5 to replace it. Carolyn should be getting it in the mail in the next day or two from Amazon :)

  3. Awww, I love that they did our sand mermaids! I taught the girls that right after Adam got custody :)
