Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Day 26: Ballarat and Soverign Hill

Today we went to an old time mining town where the Aussie Gold Rush was big.   We dug for gold, learned how the city started, saw some fun stuff.  The pictures tell it better than my tired brain.  Enjoy!
It was right out of Dickens!

We learned all about Ferrell children!

This one I just loved that you can see O in the reflection!

The kids want one in the back yard!
Saw the sign that said "Staff only" a little late!

This was the first time we were actually COLD!

Christmas in July!  It was super fun!

Had to take a picture at the Chilean mill!

1 comment:

  1. awwww, look how cute they are panning for gold! I love these pics!
