Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Day 62: Melbourne Temple and More Goodbye's

We could really feel the clock ticking every precious second away today.  It’s hard to focus on or do anything when you’re so aware of how little time you have left.  I tried to drink in every sound, every nuance every moment with every person I saw. 

We headed to the Melbourne Temple--it was so hard to squeeze it in!  I'm so grateful for family that understand the importance of the temple, they really helped me prioritize to get there.  I hope one day I'll get to share the joy of serving in the temple with all of my family.


Unlce Lyle came over for a minute to visit and I listened to his voice—so like my Dad’s but so different at the same time.  I soaked in his stories and his jokes and wondered frequently if he’s anything like his own father. He shared some of Grandpa Hoefer's scout awards with me, they were really neat to see.

I met BJ’s parents.  They’re a hoot and a half!  Judy is a little ball of fire!!  She quilts beautifully and even knitted a sweater for BJ (that actually fit Jordane who wasn’t sad about that at all!)  When I mentioned how similar BJ and his Dad look she taught me my new favorite Aussie saying,  “He’s the spit right out of his Father’s mouth that one is.”  It still makes me laugh even as I type this!

The neighbor (can’t remember her name right now) came over with some baby bunnies—that was a big hit.  ∞ says she’s going to take one home in her backpack…accidentally of course.

Cathy, bless her dear heart, cooked all day long.  She didn’t leave the kitchen for more than a minute as she prepared jelly filled muffins, two different types of quiche, potato leek soup, scalloped potatoes, a couple of pork roasts and some chicken.  It was truly magnificent!  And so very yummy!  (I wish I hadn’t eaten so much, my tummy is quite upset with me right now!) 

And if that wasn’t enough, BJ delighted us all with home made caramel dumplings!  I tried to practice my newly taught selfie skills here but, according to K, I failed miserably.  Oh well!

It’s pretty late and we’ve got a long day ahead tomorrow.  Goodbye’s suck!!

Oh, and here's a funny picture from the car park at the temple.  It was as funny as!

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