Friday, June 13, 2014

Day 8: Settling In

I'm becoming more and more confident in things going just as I've planned.  I knew we'd have some sleep issues and, right on schedule, we did.  From 3:00 in the morning we were dealing with sleepy kids waking up and struggling to get back to sleep.  I couldn't fall back to sleep so I caught up on adding pictures to the blog posts I'd written offline and let π get some more sleep.  π² woke up at 5 and took a shower so I enlisted him to read to the kids who were awake for 1 hour--in exchange for screen time of course.  Best currency EVER!  One text/min is the going rate at our house, or minute for minute electronic time.  It's brilliant really.

After an hour of story time and Skyping home, I traded places with π and got another couple of hours of sleep.  Not wanting to really do anything but let the kids get more acclimated to the time zone, we took them swimming.  Great exercise, great distraction, great way to wear the kids out and hey, we're really on vacation now because we went swimming!

Since not much else is going on, I thought I'd share a few of the novelties that we've noticed--and the neighbors who came over to meet us asked us all about these few things that we hadn't noticed so here are some fun quirky things that we're enjoying. 

So this is the water heater control.  You turn the water temperature to what you want it to be at, so you don't have to mix it yourself with the hot/cold combo.  The kids like the water at 42, my shower this morning at 46 was too hot (I added a little cold myself and it was fine) so tomorrow I'll try it down around 44 and see how that goes.  I haven't asked how it works yet, but there's always hot water--super nice!

This is the toilet.  Not the bathroom, restroom or loo, just the toilet.

This is the washroom.  So after you use the toilet, you use the washroom.  And very few people have a shower that sprays into the tub--only it's not called a tub, I can't remember what it's called right now. 



$5.69 for a bottle of juice
$3.99 for 2 liters of Coke. 

 $6.39 for half of kg of roo
Anyone for some Pine Lime?  (Took us awhile to realize it's pineapple!)

Thinking of splurging.

The food prices are unbelievable!  We were surprised at some of the same brands--Doritos is the one that's standing out in my mind right now.  Big fun!!


  1. Wow, eating a kangaroo had never crossed my mind :( I wonder if you can eat koalas too?

    1. That idea was met with absolute revulsion so I'm guessing no, you don't eat koala. Roo is apparently quite tasty. I'll let you know.
