Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Day 20: Boring! boring as a day can be when you're in Australia!

I woke up at 3:30 and had to pee!  We were miles from the nearest bathroom but I wasn’t about to have an echidna come poke my bum while trying to pee in the bush!  I woke pi up and we started driving.  We got into the logging and mining town of Mt. Gambier around 4:30 in the morning and I could finally relieve myself.  

Coming out of the bathroom I noticed the sink hole.  I must have been really focused going in to not notice it until then.  It was HUGE!!  I got pi out of the car and we went and explored.  We decided to not wake the kids up to see it but we are for sure stopping there on our way back!

The day was pretty much all driving the rest of the day—with the only exception of stopping at the limestone caves in Naracoorte.  We wondered how there could be caves in the wide flat expanse that we'd been driving through.  It was fun to learn that the whole area is riddled with caves underneath the flat...and we're right on sea level so how?!  It was a fun diversion to a long day of driving. 

We were smart this time and called the caravan park in advance.  I paid them over the phone and had them leave the key and the receipt on the table in the unit so we could ensure we had a bed to sleep in.  I can pretend to not be this close to 40 for a couple of nights in a row, but really, this body needs a bed to get some real sleep!  

We pulled in about 7, and got the kids eating while we hit the grocery store.  We're getting better at shopping, although it still takes us about an hour to shop for the next day's food.  The caravan park looked great online and had some good reviews but in the end, it was a hole.  It was your typical 1970's trailer park kind of trailer.  The linoleum was perpetually sticky, the place smelled--we were really happy we brought our own bedding!  

Well, I'm off to the laundromat in hopes of having some clean clothes for the drive back to Melbourne! 

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