Thursday, July 6, 2017


        Learning is something that impacts nearly every part of my life, every day. I am constantly learning new things, or expounding on existing knowledge. Even when I am not learning, I am applying skills or knowledge, even if it is just a logic problem in a puzzle book, in order to exercise my mind. Without my drive and desire to learn I would have never started writing, drawing, crafts, cooking, starting to fly, taking accelerated course, or any of my other hobbies. Learning new information, such as history and social science is vital to our evolution as a civilization. We must learn from our past, our societal flaws, and our behavior in order to become a better functioning society. 
        The most important things in my life have been a result of endless and eager learning. I have learned how to clean, to cook, to read, to ride a bike when I was young, to write an essay, to do everything I now know how to do. Learning is important because it boosts confidence, it is enjoyable and provides happiness, leads to a better quality of life and helps boost personal development. Learning is about more than economic success, but is also about the way that it can influence a person's life in positive ways such as happiness. Learning is the key to achieving a person's full potential. Human beings are uniquely adapted to learn and can learn throughout their lifespan. For people, learning does not stop after high school, college or graduate school. People who continue to learn are able to transform their lives and become more successful at home, more successful with their families, more successful at work and more successful within their local community.   
        Learning is different for each person, and there are many factors that can either boost learning or hinder learning. A person's motivation and their preferred learning style can be a help or a hindrance to their ability to learn. A person's external factors, such as their obligations and demands, can also be a help or a hindrance. There are several key factors that affect people's learning behavior and these include people's resources, their image of learning, the rewards associated with the learning activity, the availability of information about learning opportunities, the availability of appropriate learning environments and the climate in which learning takes place. 
        Learning impacts me on a daily basis, be it through religious study, or personally wanting to learn something new. One new thing I'm trying to learn is the Italian language. I want to learn it enough to take the AP Exam in a year and eventually use it in my life, traveling in Italy, or anywhere else it could be useful. I am learning to become a pilot, and have recently finished my private pilot ground school, which is the whole reason I'm applying for this scholarship, to get the funds to pay for my flights and propel me through my training to become a professional pilot. Learning is the most important thing in my life, and I will never stop learning.

Rubén Case